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Blokes Lounge Inc Communications Policy

The Blokes Lounge Inc has several different communication pathways.   This amended policy is intended to cover all current pathways such as mail (Snail Mail), Blokes Lounge Inc email, ‘WhatsApp’ accounts etc. and include, but are not restricted to these, now and into the future.


It is the Blokes Lounge Inc. policy that jokes, images, commentary, or any non-Lounge related business material is NOT to be sent to the blokeslounge@gmail.com or admin@blokeslounge.org.au email addresses. Or to any other official communication pathway.  These are reserved for association business only and, although unlikely, could be subject to audit.

This policy also reminds all members of our values:

  • We value and respect all people, regardless of race, spiritual belief, ability, or sexual orientation.
  • We respect the opinions of others and value free and vibrant discussion but will not tolerate preaching of religious or political ideals.

We are not in the business of stifling free speech. However, common sense should prevail. If you get a communication with content that may offend you, please advise the sender in the first instance so that he is aware of this and does not communicate similar content to you in the future.

Also, when forwarding jokes etc. particularly those with imagery/language, please consider that some blokes have shared communications addresses and that their wife/partner has access and is often the first person to do so.

Using Blind Copy Functions.

Preferably use Bcc (*blind copy) option so that communication addresses of other blokes are not public. However, in small group emails where members names may be visible (e.g., golf, darts, whatever), you may wish to 'reply to all'.

Blokes Lounge Disclaimer.

Where applicable all communications sent out on Blokes Lounge Inc related business or sent to Blokes Lounge member communication lists, must include a disclaimer. The disclaimer is intended to limit the liability of the association in case the email is sent to the wrong person (such as a person not being a Blokes Lounge member) or is used inappropriately by the recipient.  It is important to note that the disclaimer does not provide complete protection against legal action, but it can help to reduce the risk of liability.

This applies whether sent from Wild Apricot’s admin@blokeslounge.org.au; blokeslounge@gmail.com; from activity group coordinators or individual members email accounts or any other communication pathway where this function is available. It is not practical for informal member activity group chat communications like WhatsApp or Text Messages.

“EMAIL DISCLAIMER This email and any attachments are proprietary and confidential and are intended solely for the use of Blokes Lounge members. Any views or opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect or represent those of Blokes Lounge Inc. If you have received this email in error, please let us know immediately by reply email and delete it from your system. You may not use, disseminate, distribute, or copy this message nor disclose its contents to anyone.

Blokes Lounge Inc – – IA40589”

The above disclaimer is to be shown on emails as a ‘footer’ or as part of a saved ‘signature’ setting. Just copy and paste the above into your email or other Blokes Lounge related communication.

Cleaning up Emails and other communications before you send.

Please ensure that you remove all addresses of people who send you communications before you forward them to Blokes Lounge Inc. members.  If members send you a communication that you intend to forward to others outside of the Blokes Lounge Inc. remove all references to Blokes Lounge Inc. members. Convention broadly is that all addresses are removed if forwarding on all communications.

Member's personal details (e.g., Phone numbers, next of kin details) and any other communication details (e.g., email addresses) are strictly confidential and must not be released to anyone outside of the Blokes Lounge Inc membership, without the written permission of the club Secretary.

Answering Communications from Blokes Lounge Inc. Members.

If any communication seeks a yes/no answer from you or is asking/requesting, you to do something or if you cannot make an event in question etc - it is polite to respond.

Viruses, spyware, advice/warnings etc.

Please do not forward advice, warnings, alerts etc you get in any communication from other people, supposedly issued by trusted sources. Most of it, in fact, is not reliable. It is easy to make signature blocks and supposed web pages look genuine. Check with the official websites of the organisation mentioned and you will often find warnings about the email or communication you have received, as not being legitimate.

You should always check the source of these communications before heeding or implementing the advice and especially before clicking on any links included. This may make you vulnerable to spyware and viruses, which is why the communication should not be forwarded. It is prudent to subscribe to alerts from this Federal Government site:


In a nutshell: Common sense. Courtesy. Respect


Blokes Lounge Inc.

Revised 17 January 2024

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  • Communications Policy
Blokes Lounge Inc.  Email: blokeslounge@gmail.com 

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